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My number one priority is always my students. Teaching is my passion, just as art is. I have my Bachelors in Fine Arts and my Masters in Education. 


One purpose of this Visual Art class is for each student to develop the artistic ability they have.  Every student is at a different level of using the media, techniques, and processes.  To become better at manipulating the medium, students need to be willing to take risks and move outside of their comfort zone.  They also need to recognize that everyone in the classroom is at a different level and to understand that they cannot compare their level to anyone else.  They need to realize that to develop their artistic ability they need to practice.  Art is like everything else.  The more you practice the better you get.


Throughout this year, we will be taking an in depth look at the elements and principles of art, color theory, art history, among other necessary foundations. This class is one of very few that allows for creative freedom, self expression, and no “right or wrong” answers. It will also provide you with important skills that transfer to all other areas of life. Generally, we will begin a new lesson, involving various activities, and students will then complete a project. We will also incorporate subject matter from other classes to reinforce what they are learning outside of my classroom. It is the responsibility of the student to complete the projects and turn them in to be graded.


While, I want to ensure that my students are enjoying themselves, I also need to ensure that they are learning and working hard. When grading projects, my primary concern is effort. Second being the ability to follow the criteria of the assignment. If students are not working during class, their assignment scores will suffer and so will their participation grades. I want everyone to be working to their full potential! Producing work in class is essential to succeeding, so that is why I feel it is extremely important to reinforce positive work habits. Students who come in, work hard, and do their best, will do well in my class, regardless of natural ability. If a student does not work during class, I will offer them the opportunity to make up some of those participation points by coming in after school. There may be other times when I will offer in class opportunities to gain participation points. Not only does this create a smoothly running and successful class, but it teaches the students the value of hard work, dedication and perseverance.

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